The Comedy Nights are probably our largest fundraisers and most attended functions of the year, so we are delighted that you can support us and also attend such an enjoyable evening.
Now for the boring but essential bits…..
- Please do not attend if you or anyone in your household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 7 days.
- Also, if you develop symptoms within 7 days of visiting the premises you MUST use the Test and Trace system to alert others with whom you have been in contact. You should also inform the Hall Booking Secretary on 07807 595210.
- We are asked to keep a record of the name and contact telephone number or email of a lead party member of those who attend the event for a period of 3 weeks after the event, and we will provide the record to NHS Test and Trace if required.
- In the event of someone becoming unwell with suspected Covid-19 symptoms while at the hall you should inform an attendant at the Hall. We will ask you to wait outside and make arrangements for you to promptly leave the hall.
Show Times and Rules
We request the following of all who attend and expect co-operation:
- The early show will start at 7pm promptly, with the doors open from 6.45. Please do not arrive until this time.
- Follow social distancing rules at all times and when queuing to gain entrance.
- The village hall is a non-smoking building and due to the queuing, that will be required outside, we ask that there is no smoking in the grounds of the building too.
- You will be shown to your allocated seat by attendants in your household bubbles. Please be patient whilst this is done. We will try to do it as swiftly as possible.
- If possible, we encourage people not to bring bags and coats where possible to reduce clutter at seats. We do acknowledge that this is not always possible in Upperthong!!
- As per government guidance, all attendees should wear a face covering at all times when not consuming beverages.
- Please pre-order drinks wherever possible (see separate bar order form). Attendants will provide waiter service to deliver drinks and this will be done on trays.
- Contactless payment to be used when possible. Cash payments can only be handled by one individual who will be wearing gloves.
- Please re-use your drinking glasses whenever possible.
- There is a one-way system into the building, through the main door with the exit through the fire door which is at the bottom of the stairs. Please use this system when using the toilets. Only one person to use each toilet at a time. To re-gain entrance to the building, please re-enter through the main door. Hand gel is located on the wall as you enter the building and at the bottom of the stairs before you exit. There is further hand gel located near to the bar.
- We expect the first show to finish at around 8.15 as there is no interval. Please leave the building using the one-way system. Please could dispose of your own rubbish when leaving the premises, in the bins provided. This all helps with reducing the contamination risk and the time for cleaning in between the performances.
- Please leave the grounds as promptly as possible after the event so to reduce the chance of any contact between the 2 audiences.
- For the later performance, we ask that no-one arrives before 8.40 with the same rules applied as above. We hope that the performances will start around 9pm.
- The second performance will have an interval so a further opportunity to top up your drinks. Where possible, please use the pre-ordering drinks form.
Thanks again for all your support and please be mindful that everyone that is working/attendants for the evening are volunteers.
From the village hall committee we all hope that you have a good evening, but stay safe!