A word or two from the Committee…
The committee, known as Friends of Upperthong Village Hall, are Trustees of the Hall, as a registered charity. We meet every 6-8 weeks on a Wednesday evening. Currently, there are 12 committee members from all walks of life, each bringing their expertise to help in the smooth running of the Hall. We are in the fortunate position of having a wide range of trades and professional skills amongst our team, from financial services to construction and medicine to IT! We are very appreciative of every bit of help given by each of our committee. We are also supported by others in the community – sometimes former committee members – who are willing to assist on an ad hoc basis and again this help is gratefully received.

We are always keen to welcome new members, from all walks of life and ages, to bring fresh ideas and contributions, which will ensure the continued success of the Hall as an important village amenity.
Our remit is wide, but essentially, we focus on ensuring a safe environment for local Groups, businesses and families to have an accessible venue, equipped to serve their requirements. Obviously, to ensure this, a regular flow of funds is required, therefore, much of our efforts focus on fund-raising activities, events and awareness. Our revenue comes in many guises; here are some of the more typical sources of income:
- Hall hire: The Hall is perfectly equipped and accessible for a range of private hire functions, including weddings, birthdays, Christenings, wakes, business away days, AGMs, the list continues.
- As a committee, we are dedicated to sourcing the best of evening entertainment for the local community and have seen great success from ticketed events such as Comedy Nights, Wine Tastings, Music and themed events. The annual Christmas Carol Concert is always brimming with festive cheer and the Christmas Fayre brings together a whole host of local talent, gifts, refreshments and good will!
The Committee
Like many people, no-one was particularly keen on having individual mug-shots of them. Since the website was updated during COVID-19 restrictions so a team photo was not an option, we are trying to complete a slightly different rogues gallery. Please bear with us whilst this is completed…..

Cath, Vice-Chair

Judith, Treasurer

From all of us on the committee a big thank you for taking an interest in your Village Hall.